Diaper Bank Distribution

The HOPE Parent Resource Center Diaper Bank
Open the FIRST MONDAY of every other month. Please visit our Facebook Page: HOPE Parent Resource Center for updates and closings due to weather and other unforeseen issues.
Pick up location: HOPE Parent Resource Center located at 901 South Bailey Ave., Suite 1, South Haven, MI 49090
Pick Up Dates:
April 7
June 2
August 4
Although we offer two locations for Diaper Bank Assistance, families are only able to pick up Diapers and Wipes one time a month. You pick which location you would like to use each month.
United Christian Services Diaper Bank is serving families on the Third Monday of every month from 9:00am – 12:00pm. Please visit their Facebook Page for closings and/or changes.
United Christian Services Diaper Bank Pick up location: Freshwater Church located at 600 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1, Paw Paw, MI (Entrance C)